Rabari culture
Rabaris have a very rich cultural past and present. They are known for their "Rabari Bharat (Kutch. Embroidery is a vital, living, and evolving expression of the crafted textile tradition of the Rabaris. Rabari women diligently embroider on textiles as an expression of creativity, aesthetics and identity as far back as the tribe’s collective memory goes. Afternoons are time for embroidery in all Rabari villages, where women routinely embroider trousseaus, everyday apparel, dowry bags, bride's ghagro (skirt), kanchali (blouse) and ludi (veil), the groom's kediyan or shirt, children's cradle cloths as well as dowry bags and auspicious torans. Rabari embroidery is very vigorous, with many bold shapes. Designs are taken from mythology and from their desert surroundings. They use glass mirrors in various shapes: round, lozenge, rectangular, square, triangular, and beak shaped. The stitches are square chain interlaced with buttonholes for mirror work, single chain, knot, Romanian, blankets interlaced with herringbone, running, and double running. Another interesting aspect of Rabari women is their earrings which are the most abstract form of snake earrings. Women in Puskar, Rajasthan describe a mushroom as snake umbrella, because it comes out after the rains and snakes have the habit of hiding under its hood. The nagali earring are supposed to stand for the double shape of the mushroom.
Rabari clan, now living in Kutch passed the Puskar region on their migration from the north of Rajasthan and may have seen the local earrings there, or rather transferred their main designs to the village people.
The nagali earrings of the Kutchi Rabari with their spiral, spring like shape can be considered as the form most closely related to the snake. Their attire(clothes),which is different on regional basis, also shows their culture. We can see that in the Navratri festival days, urban people try to imitate their attire. The Rabari women are easily distinguished by their long, black headscarves, which fall loosely to the ground. They wear distinctive heavy brass earrings which hang low, stretching the earlobes. They tattoo magical symbols onto their necks, breasts and arms. Their jewelry is modest in comparison to other tribal women. They wear small gold nose rings and silver and gold chains around their neck on where protective amulets are hung. Few simple glass bracelets adorn their arms.
In contrast to woman, a Rabari man commonly appears in white dress, golden earrings and a big stick in his hand. They wear dhoti and on the top a short double breasted waist coat (all white) laced over the chest and tied, long sleeves which are gathered up and folded at the arms. The head is covered with a 'Turban).
They also have mass collections of rare folk songs and stories. Rabari women even sing on their loved one's death occasion, which is their tradition.
One of the most common things in their culture is highlighted in their food habit; wherever they may belong, they consume lots of milk and milk products.
Traditionally they are camel herders and wanderers, and were once nomadic people. These days the Rabaris are said to be semi-nomadic. Some live in small hamlets of round huts with mud walls and thatched roofs. The women manage the hamlets and are shrewd and intelligent. They sell wool and clarified butter to city merchants and manage all money matters. The women are usually strong, beautiful,tall and well built. The Rabari men are also tall,handsome and well-built. They can often be seen roaming the countryside with their droves. They travel hundreds of miles on annual migration routes in search of new pastures to graze their animals.
Rabari girls can be married as young as 15-months old. Most of the Rabari marriages take place on the same day once a year and can be a very extravagant event involving polygamist rites.
Nowadays a very small percentage of Rabari are nomadic. (1-2%) Most of the grazing land is gone in India, because of an increase in human population. After the independence of Delhi. Education has opened up other avenue for them. So many have become lawyers, engineers, teachers, nurses, dentists, doctors and MOD staff. Not all Rabari live in India now, some who wanted a better life live abroad in countries like Italy.
Rabari sub-castes (Shakh)
As stated earlier,Rabaris are also believed to be the sub-castes of Parmar etc. with Rajputs. These clans are called ' NAKH ' in Rabaris. These clans are further sub-divided in SHAKHS [Branches].The total Shakhs are 133. The Shakhs are also known as "VIHOTAR" which means Vis+Sau+Ter(20+100+13=133). Rabari's have 133 sub casts like Laltuka, Nagoh, Moidav, Bhungor, Kola, Aal, Khambhalya, Khatana, Ghangol, Bhangra,, Kalotara, Mori, Bhumbhaliya, Savdharia, Punchlya, Kodiyatar, Bharai,Verana,etc.
A- Aal, Azaana
B- Balya , Bar, Bhaangra, Bharai, Bhadka, Bhatcha or Bhaatka, Bhedred, Bhoku (pohku), Bhumbhaliya, Bhungor, Bhusya, Buchotar, Balesh, Bhim, Bhopu, Bhundre, Bhati,Baharai & Badh.
C- Chavda, Charakta, Chelaana (Bharai), Chauhan (Chohan), Charamta
D- Daya, Dev, Dodana, Diya, Dhagal ,Dedar
G- Garchar, Galchar, Ghatiya, Gehar(punjab), Ghanghar, Gohil, Garsar,Goyal
H- haumod, Hathol, Huchol (Suchol), Hun,Haran
I- Ihor
J- Jamla, Jaha, Jotana, Jiyod
K- Kachhela, Kachhod, Kaalor, Kaid, Kalotra, Khaambhala, Khatana, Kola, Kankuta, Kataria, Karmata,Kodiyatar,Katara
L- Lalutara, Laltuka, Lodha, Luni
M- Makwana, Moidav or Moree, Motan, Maru,Musar
N- Nogoh, Navor
P- Padhar, Padheriya, Pahwala, Parmar, Punchhalya, Padhiyar, Pavar, Patval, Panwar, Pusala
R- Ranjya, Roziya, Rathod, Ranva,Rada
S- Sambod, Samad, Savdhariya, Seval, Shekha, Shilora, Solanki, Songra,Sangawat,savdhor,Shamla,Sindhal
T- Tomar,Tawana, TAMALIYA.
U- Ulava, Umot
V- Vatma,Verana,Vansh,Vanda
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